


If you lose your voluntary insurance policy


Even if you lose a voluntary insurance policy, it will not affect the fact that the contract was concluded or the content of the contract, such as the scope and period of coverage. As long as the premiums are paid in full, the policy will not be void.

However, if you lose it, you will not be able to check the details of the contract at hand. You will receive the insurance policy in about 10 days to 2 weeks after requesting a reissue, so if you lose it, please take the procedure for reissuance as soon as possible.
The procedure for reissuing a voluntary insurance policy is as follows.

■ Procedures for reissue of voluntary insurance policy

1.    1. Identify your insurance company.

2.    2. The policyholder himself/herself contacts the insurance company or handling agency and requests reissuance of the voluntary insurance policy. If you have a document that shows the policy number (contract details notification postcard, account transfer information postcard, etc.), the procedure will be smoother.

3.    3. Fill out the necessary information on the application form sent by the insurance company/agency and return it to complete the procedure.
(In the case of the insurance company's My Page or automatic voice response reception, enter the necessary information and complete the procedure.)

4.    4. After the application has been received by the insurance company, you will receive a reissued insurance policy within 10 days to 2 weeks. (In the case of the insurance company's My Page or automatic voice response reception, after entering the necessary information and completing the procedure, you
will receive a reissued insurance policy in about 10 days to 2 weeks.)
There are cases where paper securities are not issued due to the issuance procedure. Please contact your insurance company for details.

Get optional insurance just in case

No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen. In case of an accident or if you are involved in an accident, it is essential to have optional insurance in addition to compulsory automobile liability insurance. In addition, once you receive your voluntary insurance policy, it is a good idea to check the coverage and other details again so that you can use the voluntary insurance as soon as an accident occurs.

If you lose your voluntary insurance policy
insurance update

Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance auto insurance (optional insurance) offers a wide range of coverage and various special contracts. We also offer various types of insurance, such as automobile insurance recommended for first-timers and automobile insurance with a drive recorder. Please take this opportunity to consider Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance automobile insurance (voluntary insurance)

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