


What is a voluntary insurance policy? Explanation of necessary situations


When you enroll in voluntary car insurance, the insurance company will send you a document describing the details of the contract.
This is called a voluntary insurance policy (automobile insurance policy), and it is an important document that is necessary when renewing or confirming a contract, or when claiming insurance benefits.
Here, in addition to the contents of the voluntary insurance policy and the situations where it is necessary, we will explain the recommended storage place and the procedure when it is lost.

table of contents

·         What is an insurance policy?

·         Voluntary insurance policy description items

·         Situations where a volutary insurance policy is required

·         Where is the best place to store voluntary insurance policies?

·         If you lose your voluntary insurance policy

·         Get optional insurance just in case

What is an insurance policy?

An insurance policy is a document describing the details of the contract, which is issued to the policyholder by the insurance company after the insurance contract is concluded. In general, the insurance company will send it to you within 10 days to 2 weeks after the conclusion of the insurance contract.
The insurance policy contains details of the contract, such as the policyholder's name, policy number, scope of coverage, and period of coverage. In order to ensure that the contents of the contract are not different from what you thought, first check the contents of the insurance policy when it arrives, check if there are any discrepancies with your understanding, and understand the contents of the insurance.

What is a voluntary insurance policy? Explanation of necessary situations
What is a voluntary insurance policy? Explanation of necessary situations

In recent years, more and more insurance policies are going paperless, and some insurance companies have made it possible to check the contract details on their website and only issue paper insurance policies to those who request them.

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